Slim Thoughts

My thoughts on whatever

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cm44134 at gmail dot com

blogs I read on a far too regular basis

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Tuesday, April 29, 2003
I haven't been paying close attention to the Laci Peterson murder saga, but I couldn't pass up the following quote from this Slate article by Jack Shafer. The article is about Keith Olbermann's new show on MSNBC. I might have to temporarily break my boycott to check it out.
Olbermann is speaking here about the case against the husband.

Exhibit A, that alibi. Maybe you often get to go fishing alone 80 miles from home on Christmas Eve with a pregnant wife at home. That would make you the first married man in history to be able to pull that one off. Not likely.

The question of the day, from New Scientist magazine is "Does beheading hurt?".

I don't want to give the answer away, but let me say this. Try not to commit a major crime in 16th century England.

Digby provides a truly terrifying vision.
Newt has not yet outlived his usefulness

Shane Kosakowski of BATHTUB gOULASH explains how America is trapped in a bad John Hughes movie.
We were the fun, rich, good-looking, popular country. We drove the coolest car and had the tasty girlfriend with the big tits and the pool. We hung out with all the other cool countries, but still said hi to Mexico in the hallways (even though he smelled like a spicy sweatsuit). We were the best athlete and played guitar in a shitty band. We would get drunk and prank Russia and do coke on the away bus. We would kick somebody’s ass if they fucked with our friends and we would lend money if our friends were fucked. We were a superhero in the history of the world.

Thanks to Tbogg for pointing me to this.

Saturday, April 26, 2003
Finally from Atrios, something almost local, Orrin Hatch talks about polygamy.
"I'm not here to justify polygamy," he said. "All I can say is, I know people in Hildale who are polygamists who are very fine people. You come and show me evidence of children being abused there and I'll get involved. Bring the evidence to me."
Hatch said he could not take unsubstantiated claims and enforce law, and he would not "sit here and judge anybody just because they live differently than me. There will be laws on the books, but these are very complicated issues," Hatch said.

Now, I am not a lawyer, but it seems to me if the chairman of the Senate Judiciary committee knows people who are actively engaged in breaking the law, he really should be required to act on that. I guess he can't afford to offend the invaluable "religiously justified" criminal constituency. WIth each family having 5 or 6 adults, it adds up to a voting block quickly.

Wednesday, April 23, 2003
Let's see, do I support Bush or the Dixie Chicks. Hmmmmmm. Well, Bush hasn't posed naked (not that I know of, I don't read National Review) so I am going to go with the Dixie Chicks

I never thought anything would make me want to tell people I am from West Virginia. Rick Santorum is making a run at it. The latest outrage (link via Atrios) Bush more Catholic than JFK
• U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa.) has blasted President John F. Kennedy’s famous 1960 endorsement of church-state separation, saying that Kennedy’s vow not to take orders from the Roman Catholic hierarchy has caused "much harm in America."
Interviewed in Rome while attending an event sponsored by Opus Dei, a far-right Catholic group, Santorum told the National Catholic Reporter, "All of us have heard people say, ‘I privately am against abortion, homosexual marriage, stem cell research, cloning. But who am I to decide that it’s not right for someone else?’ But it is the corruption of freedom of conscience."
According to Santorum, Kennedy was not the nation’s first Catholic president. That distinction, he said, belongs to George W. Bush, a Methodist.
"From economic issues focusing on the poor and social justice, to issues of human life, George Bush is there," Santorum said. "He has every right to say, ‘I’m where you are if you’re a believing Catholic.’"

This is not a new report (March 2002), but it sure is obvious that Santorum has some way out views. So, if Kennedy's vow not to take orders from the Catholic hierarchy has caused "much harm", does Bush vow to take orders from Rome? If so, why would he ignore the Pope on the issue of war. He must have been in confession when that came out.

Monday, April 21, 2003
I just posted this to the Political State Report. If you haven't seen this blog yet, check it out.
It was suggested to me that it might be interesting to try and show what really drives Idaho politics. News of a political nature is really limited in non-election years, so I thought I would just put this out as an opinion piece of sorts. I hope I can give you a sense of Idaho from the viewpoint of an East Coast Liberal.
I moved to Idaho about 3.5 years ago from Santa Fe. Before that I lived in Berkeley and I don't recommend this exact series of moves. A brief cooling off period, perhaps in Denver or Salt Lake City, would have eased the transition to Southeast Idaho.
I didn't really expect when I moved to Idaho that it would be so dominated by the Republican party and by conservatives in particular. It is no exaggeration to say that there is no place in the Idaho Republican party for Lincoln Chaffee. In fact, he might very well be considered a librul, as Molly Ivins would say it. Ok, that is a little unfair. People here in Idaho don't sound like Texans when they say the word, but the disdain is the same.
Anyway, the state, at least the southern part, is dominated by agricultural concerns. Farming is huge here. Potatoes, cattle, wheat, barley, if it requires a lot of space or responds well to irrigation, we grow it here. Is it a problem? Well, farmers and ranchers are overrepresented in the legislature and they get some tax breaks, but I am sure it is no different than in a lot of midwestern states. The northern part of the state is far less agricultural and far more dominated by industries like logging or mining. I will return to this point a bit later.
Idaho really is a bit of a sandbox for conservatives. Republicans dominate the bi-cameral legislature and we pretty much get the total package. Tax cuts, right-to-work, low welfare payments, you name a conservative talking point of the last 10 years and it has probably either passed the legislature or been seriously considered.
But this isn't really shocking. Once you understand how much Republicans dominate the landscape here, the rest just follows. What didn't occur to me before I moved here was the massive importance of federal lands and resource management issues. This may be the only Republican state where Bill Clinton is hated as much for his roadless policy as for his moral lapses. I am only now starting to see the depth and breadth of this and it is something I may never come to fully understand. I hope never to come to the position where the federal government is an evil entity only here to steal my money, my water, and my livelihood in resource development.

I haven't said much about Democrats, and there isn't much to say. Support for Democrats is really centered in only four or five places in the state and there is a long tough road ahead if Democrats want to become relevant again.

I hope I have said something you might not have known about Idaho. We may never be relevant in presidential politics, but we do have something to contribute. I think any Democratic candidate who is palatable to a significant number of Idaho voters is likely to do well anywhere. Ok, maybe not Berkeley. Who is that candidate for 2004? Probably none of the front-runners. They are all too East Coast (Lieberman, Kerry, Dean) or too much like Bill Clinton (Edwards). Wesley Clark or Bob Graham might do alright here. I am still not sure. I will try to keep everyone updated on how they are coming across here. I don't think I need to say that the President is still massively popular among the majority of residents.

Wednesday, April 16, 2003
This piece by Jim Caple is simply brilliant.

I am not saying that a 14-year old published conservative columnist is the seventh sign of the apocalypse, but it must be around the third or fourth sign.

Yet more evidence that we are the perfect family! Not only is our tax burden remarkably near the magical 33% mark, we have a marriage penalty/bonus of under $100 dollars. Thanks to Matthew Yglesias for pointing me to Virginia Postrel's post.

Another wonderful post from Michael Finley. This time on how to recognize and defeat the Mighty Wurlitzer.

I posted this in the comments in Brad Delong's site and I think it pretty much sums up my philosophy well.

HIM: (another commenter, not Prof. Delong)

"What do you propose to cut from the federal budget? Be specific."

Everything. (That specific enough? ;-))

In rough order of importance of cutting:

1) All U.S. troops on foreign soils, starting with Saudi Arabia and Kuwait...and quickly followed by Germany, South Korea, and everywhere else.

2) Every single drug statute, and all drug enforcement activities.

3) Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security.

4) The Department of Education.

5) Department of Energy, Agriculture, Interior, etc. etc. etc.

In short, everything that wasn't there in the 1880s, when the federal government was actually following the Constitution. Which is essentially everything.

That would add 2 to 4+% per year to our GDP. We'd establish ourselves far and away the front-runners in liberty for the 21st century.

Posted by Mark Bahner at April 16, 2003 07:51 PM


I think anyone who seriously proposes to roll the government back to the 1880's should be willing to commit suicide at the point of their 1880's life expectancy. My rough estimate is that it would cost about the last 15 years of your life. Anyone not willing to make this deal should just sit quietly and watch FoxNews.

Posted by Christopher McGrath at April 16, 2003 09:34 PM

Tuesday, April 15, 2003
E. J. Dionne makes a good point on The Price of Liberty. One memorable quote:

"Our legal and social orders disproportionately benefit the well-off. That makes it reasonable for them to pick up a larger share of the social costs."

I somehow forgot to include Al Franken in my list of "People from Minnestoa I have come to admire". This recent column, Norm and the Other 1 Percent, is well worth a read.

Brad DeLong and CalPundit have both had recent posts on their individual tax situations and it inspired me to do some figuring of my own.
I added up pretty much all the taxes that the missus and I paid in the last year. Unlike Professor Delong, I don't know how much sales tax I paid to the nearest dollar, but I took an educated guess. I was a little surprised by what I found. We paid in taxes about what the average Idaho family earns in a year. But, surprisingly, it worked out to just under 32% of our income.
Is that too much? I must admit, the actual dollar amount seems like a lot of money. However, 32% seems like a pretty good deal to me. I guess tax rates must be almost perfectly defined, though. Even though my wife and I moved into the top 20% for income this year, we don't cross the magical 33% boundary in taxes. Thank God the president isn't proposing any irresponsible new taxes.

Monday, April 14, 2003
My love of baseball has not, so far, been able to overcome this Hall of Fame/Bull Durham thing, and I think the last vestige of my fandom is about to shatter. As a kid, well teenager I guess, I was a huge Dale Murphy fan. He swung hard, he ran hard, and he looked like he was having a great time. Now it seems he is considering running for governor of Utah as a Republican. I guess he couldn't just retire to obscurity and leave my childhood memories intact.

Ted Barlow (no permalinks right now) is all over homophobic Texas state representative Robert Talton. It is heartwarming to see Texans acting exactly as I expect. Ted's last paragraph scared the crap out of me, though:

'I can be persuaded on a number of conservative arguments. Really, I can. But as long as Republicans are "the party that hates gay people," I'm not coming inside.'

Say it ain't so, Ted. We all know that it should be " the party that hates everyone not like themselves"

Mark A. R. Kleiman with an interesting question about produce. Why is it so much more expensive in a supermarket versus a retail produce market? I have often wondered this as I paid way too much for potatoes that were grown just down the road from my house. Yes, I know I could buy straight from a farm, but the MegaLoMart is so convenient.

Good to see that Republicans are becoming massively overconfident. Maybe if there are twelve straight years of Bush presidents, the position of president will be downsized away.

I have to say that I am not happy to see TBOGG trashing Kevin Smith. As for someone who is more overrated than Kevin Smith, how about James Cameron. I mean, has this guy been involved in a good movie that didn't star Arnie?

Thursday, April 10, 2003
I think a flying pig just crapped on me. Thanks TBOGG for the link.

Yeah, these guys are a bunch of amateurs. If I was Dubya, I wouldn't listen to them either.

I will go to sleep to night thanking the powers that be that Ted Barlow introduced me to The Hall of Douchebags.

Tuesday, April 08, 2003
CalPundit asks an important question:

"Isn't it about time for the U.S. military to join the 21st century too?"

Hell, I would consider it a victory if some parts of the military would join the 20th century.

I am starting to get a little worried. It seems like all the people I have recently come to admire are from or in Minnesota. I came late to the party that was Paul Wellstone, but I mourn his loss none the less. I find I am enjoying Garrison Keillor more and more lately. I hope it is because he had the stones to trash Norm Coleman and not because I am getting older. Finally, of all the blogs I read, I find that I enjoy most of all Michael Finley's. I really don't know why, but I recommend it heartily.

It is probable that nobody is interested in this, but due to the vagaries of the msn search engine, I am the #1 site for "other countries thoughts on abortion". A proud moment indeed.

Monday, April 07, 2003
Eric Muller posting at the Volokh Conspiracy revists an old Supreme Court decision to revisits an old Supreme Court decision (Maryland v. Craig) to make the point that Justice Scalia is brilliant. The salient question seems to be the following: Could the state alllow an alleged molester to "confront" his accuser only over closed-circuit TV? The idea being this would be easier for the child, but would still allow the questioning of the accuser.
Scalia joined with Brennan Marshall and Stevens in the dissent. Scalia's brilliance was allegedly displayed by pointing out that the state was trying to have its cake and eat it too. It was trying to protect the child and try the molester. The thinking was that each was perhaps slightly harmed, but Justice was served. Scalia's arguement seems to have been that the state must choose one path.
Why is this brilliant? I think it is ridiculous and infantile. Adults can compromise. Only children (and fundamentalists) believe that compromise is evil. It is this sort of view that makes Justice Scalia not brilliant but scary.

Monday, March 31, 2003
Most of my hits recently have come from searches for the Bush primping video, and as a thank you, I am renewing the link. The videos you are looking for are called bushgroomed and bushgroomed2.

Someone tell me how I can cash in on being the #4 site for "slim-7 of drug".

To the person referred here by the Google search "haircuts that slim the face", all I can say is, "You can never miss with a mullet".

Mark A. R. Kleiman lays out his thoughts on drugs. I can't say I agree with all his ideas. For instance, a dollar tax on each beer seems excessive. However, none of his thoughts are completely insane, and they certainly start an important dialogue.

Thursday, March 27, 2003
Do you think the Bush administration would have allowed the manipulation of power prices in Texas? Paul Krugman does a little gloating (deserved) on the "California Power Crisis."

Monday, March 24, 2003
Has there ever been a presidential administration more laden with access capitalists? I have only been politically sentient for about 15 years, but I can't remember anything like this administration. Filling your cabinets with ideologues is one thing, but influence peddlers?

I saw the link on CalPundit but I just couldn't accept it. I mean the idea of good advice from Steven Den Beste caused me, quite fittingly (this is Operation Inigo Montoya after all [Thanks to Tbogg for the great name]), to quote Wallace Shawn's character, Vizzini, "Inconceivable." But, I had a stiff drink, I steeled my resolve, I put on my cup and I looked and you know, he was right, it was good advice. My only question is, "Can SDB plead temporary sanity?"

So, it seems the war is going to cost $63 billion a month, give or take. Doesn't it seem like the total cost is going to be far beyond the $100 million dollars that got Larry Lindsey fired (aside from his girth, of course Can't have a sloppy fat guy around. bad for moral.).

Yesterday, on Fox News, I heard a talking head talking about one of the major problems of the invasion of Iraq. Apparantly, we would come to a location with a large force, seemingly take it and then leave only a small force behind while we moved on. It seems at this point, hidden Iraqi soldiers would rise up. The talking head seemed to intimate that there was really no solution. I thought up one in about 3 seconds. We could not try to defeat a large highly militarized country of 25 million people in a week. Just a little food for thought

Friday, March 21, 2003
I am really starting to like Howard Dean. I am not sure yet if he can win, but he doesn't seem like a dumbass and he doesn't give me the willies like Joe Lieberman. It seems to me that it is going to come down to Kerry, Edwards and Dean. With the impending health-care crisis, it sure seems like Dean would have a natural advantage in that area. Anyway, I am not making up my mind anytime soon. Hell, it doesn't actually matter anyway. Our primary is late and if Dubya was caught with a live boy or a dead girl, Idaho would probably go Libertarian.

By way of Calpundit, we get a piece from Reason on the Bush Administration position on North Korea. The piece argues that US policy is not the result of neglect, but rather is intentional. Had the Bush administration shown a deft touch in any other area, this might have a glimmer of viability, but these people rule with the subtlety of a jackhammer. The only way this could be true is if the rest of the administration just doesn't care at all and has left it up to Colin Powell or similar reasonable people. While that would probably be better than North Korea having Richard Perle's attention, it does not inspire confidence.

For those who are interested in science, science policy, and science funding, What's New by Bob Park is an interesting mailing list.

Well, it looks like turkey is going to start invading Northern Iraq and oppressing Kurds. Why does it seem to me that anyone with any sense at all could have predicted this?

How great would it be if John Kerry or Wesley Clark were running against Bush and made a compare-and-contrast commercial titiled "Preparing for war" with themselves in combat regalia and these videos of bush primping and mugging for the camera before announcing the the start of this war of aggression?

Thursday, March 20, 2003
Sometimes I am not proud to be living in Idaho

Would it seem petty and inappropriate if I said all this war talk has caused me to forget to fill out my NCAA bracket? It would? Ok, forget I said it.

I really think I can still be objective. Can someone please explain to me how angering a whole lot of muslims is in our best interest? Is Osama bin Laden going to be less outraged if we move our troops from Saudi Arabia to Baghdad? Anything is possible I guess.

Ok, just for the hell of it.

what celebrity feature are you?

A guy that works downstairs from me was opining on the war with Iraq and he suggested that we should start by bombing the UN. Diplomatic problems aside, I thought it odd he was suggesting we bomb New York City. Then I realized that rather than a drawback, he considered this a bonus. All I can say is, "Please help me. I am trapped in Idaho."

Another fine piece from Brad Delong on Justice Scalia. If I may copy what I wrote in his comments:

I find controversy about Justice Scalia to be quite interesting. He is just a bowl full of contradictions. The question of abortions and capital punishment only scratches the surface. He decries judicial activism, while actively seeking to transform the United States from the bench. He lectures endlessly on "strict constructionism" and "original intent" while twisting the words and actions of the framers to be whatever he wants. Finally, my personal favorite, he is thought by many, including himself, to be a genius, but he prefers to belittle people with insults and bullying. Didn't Jesus say something about the meek?

IMHO, Justice Scalia doesn't deserve to be on the Supreme Court. If there was any justice in life, he would be teaching social studies at a second rate Catholic school somewhere. Then again, I wouldn't force my worst enemy to sit in his class.

Speaking of anti-war protests, I know I must be naive, but I have been astounded by the intellectual dishonesty of some on the pro-war side. Disagreement with the political leadership of our country does not in any way indicate a lack of support for our men and women in uniform. I have a brother on active duty in the military. I would not wish harm on him or any of his comrades in arms. That having been said, I think this war is one of the biggest mistakes in the history of the US. Maybe I have been living in denial, but I have never thougth of the US as a bully, as one who takes another's lunch money. Well, that is what we have become. Dubya and his partners in crime have decided they know what is right and good and they are going to demonstrate this for other countries if they have to destroy them in the process. Meanwhile, North Korean whack job Kim Jong-Il is preparing to open the biggest illegal fireworks stand in history. Things are just peachy.

More than 1000 people were arrested during anti-war demonstrations in SF. They probably refused to sing John Ashcroft's song.

Atrios references a Times article proving that "Prince of Darkness" is the nice thing people call Richard Perle to his face. Behind his back it's "He whose name brings darkness and plague upon the Earth"

Well, I am inspired to begin blogging again. I am not sure why. I think it might be because I found out that my weekly paycheck comes from one of the military/industiral complex companies that was asked to secretly bid on divying up Iraq. I really feel that I should give something back. In any event, let's see how long I make it this time.

Friday, January 24, 2003
Neal Pollack's advanced copy of the state of the union might seem overblown, but I don't see one completely untrue statement.

Wednesday, January 22, 2003
Be sure to check out my new post on the Political State Report. President Bush is doing a disservice to children everywhere.

Sunday, December 22, 2002
I can't imagine that I am the only person who believes Trent Lott is really in denial. Apparantly, his enemies trapped him by tricking him into being a complete moron. If they had allowed him to be born as an intelligent, thoughtful person none of this would have happened.

Wednesday, December 18, 2002
There is much about this Trent Lott fiasco that bothers me, but for me, the most disturbing thing is the apologies for Strom Thurmond. Is pretending to be a racist to get votes better than acutally believing in racism? I think it is worse. Honestly believing in something immoral is still wrong, but pandering to a believer when you know they are wrong is unforgivable.

Saturday, November 23, 2002
I live in Eastern Idaho, the state I lovingly refer to as Republicanland, and so I am constantly asked, "What are you, as a pinko Democrat, going to do for the next two years?" I should mention pinko is the Idaho honorific for anyone who is to the left of Tom DeLay. Since the election I have been trying to keep a stiff upper lip and point out that as a middle class professional in an industry well-supported by a Republican administration, I could survive. The judiciary problem is horrible, but I will grin and bear it. However, the Bush administration couldn't leave me in my dream world. They had to hit me where it really hurts, in the LUNGS. Apparantly my need for clean air is interfering with the profit margin of some old coal-burning power plants. Silly me, I'm sure a little acid rain will etch my car's clear coat and keep it looking fresh and new.

I don't necessarily want to keep hyping mfinley, but I just can't help it when his posts are this strong. He has a very good piece on the re-inventions of Dubya. My personal favorite is "from 'privileged son' to 'self-made man'". His point: "Bush transforms like a chameleon, and that's OK. Gore gets a haircut, and it's a character flaw".

Strong piece from CalPundit about Keynesian economics in the current world. Thanks to Atrios for the link who expands on this with his own view of how supply-siders twist Keynsian economics for their own use.

Will Gore be tagged as a reinventer?... Big weekend bonus from the always great Daily Howler. I hope this demonstrates a move to cover Gore in a fair manner, but I will not be holding my breath in anticipation.

Wednesday, November 20, 2002
Interesting bit from mfinley on the recurring topic of an overabundance of liberals in our universities. I find this whole discussion to be dishonest on its face. Conservatives like to imply that somehow this is insidious. They ignore the convenient, simple explanation. Highly educated people in the academic world trend liberal. This should not be a surprise to anyone who has spent time at a university or national lab. Certainly, conservatives exist in the academic world. They are just in the minority. There are many possible explanations for this. All the simple explanations are relatively innocent. A plot to prevent conservatives from being represented at a university would surely be exposed.