Slim Thoughts |
Saturday, November 23, 2002
I live in Eastern Idaho, the state I lovingly refer to as Republicanland, and so I am constantly asked, "What are you, as a pinko Democrat, going to do for the next two years?" I should mention pinko is the Idaho honorific for anyone who is to the left of Tom DeLay. Since the election I have been trying to keep a stiff upper lip and point out that as a middle class professional in an industry well-supported by a Republican administration, I could survive. The judiciary problem is horrible, but I will grin and bear it. However, the Bush administration couldn't leave me in my dream world. They had to hit me where it really hurts, in the LUNGS. Apparantly my need for clean air is interfering with the profit margin of some old coal-burning power plants. Silly me, I'm sure a little acid rain will etch my car's clear coat and keep it looking fresh and new. I don't necessarily want to keep hyping mfinley, but I just can't help it when his posts are this strong. He has a very good piece on the re-inventions of Dubya. My personal favorite is "from 'privileged son' to 'self-made man'". His point: "Bush transforms like a chameleon, and that's OK. Gore gets a haircut, and it's a character flaw". Strong piece from CalPundit about Keynesian economics in the current world. Thanks to Atrios for the link who expands on this with his own view of how supply-siders twist Keynsian economics for their own use. Will Gore be tagged as a reinventer?... Big weekend bonus from the always great Daily Howler. I hope this demonstrates a move to cover Gore in a fair manner, but I will not be holding my breath in anticipation. Wednesday, November 20, 2002
Interesting bit from mfinley on the recurring topic of an overabundance of liberals in our universities. I find this whole discussion to be dishonest on its face. Conservatives like to imply that somehow this is insidious. They ignore the convenient, simple explanation. Highly educated people in the academic world trend liberal. This should not be a surprise to anyone who has spent time at a university or national lab. Certainly, conservatives exist in the academic world. They are just in the minority. There are many possible explanations for this. All the simple explanations are relatively innocent. A plot to prevent conservatives from being represented at a university would surely be exposed. Friday, November 08, 2002
For those of you who are wondering which which lesser-known Simpsons character I am ![]() What lesser-known Simpsons character are you? Brought to you by the good folks at |